Charu Gold (TMFH 1208)

• Sudan grass fodder hybrid with very high yielding potential
• Growing up to 10-12 feet tall with long slender highly branched
leaves and abundant tillers
• Excellent leaf to stem ratio
• Excellent root system to ensure high yield
• Harvesting starts from 45 days as very low HCN content observed in
fodder after 40 days
• Soft stems and good quality fodder with higher digestibility for livestock
• Tolerant to heat and even grown during high temperatures
• Suitable for next cutting every 3-4 weeks after first cutting
• Tolerant to leaf diseases and major pests
• Widely adapted for cultivation in AP, AS, BR, CG, GJ, HR, JH, KA, MH, MP, OD, PB, RJ, TS, TN, UK, UP & WB

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