Showing 1–12 of 25 results

Fodder maize, a specially cultivated variety of corn, is primarily grown to serve as high-quality feed for livestock. This maize variant is chosen for its abundant foliage and nutritious stalks, which are rich in carbohydrates and fiber. Farmers often grow fodder maize to provide a balanced diet for cattle, poultry, and other animals, ensuring they receive essential nutrients.

  • Darwin (TMMH 2840)

  • Devaraj (TMMH 2845)

  • SAINATH (TMMH 804)

  • Srinath


  • TMMH 2814

  • TMMH 2831

  • TMMH 2831 Plus

  • TMMH 2834

  • TMMH 2841

  • TMMH 2855